Dorset > Weymouth > Harbour > Custom House Quay

Custom House Quay

  Custom House Quay  
The Quay Condor Hydrofoil Ltd Ferry Terminal The Quay DT4 8DX
The Ship Inn Public Houses DT4 8BE
Old railway lines running along the road. Trains stopped running along the line in 1994 DT4 8BE
O Malleys ?????
1,1a Royal Oak
WEYMOUTH SY6778NE CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/23/58 (North side) 18/06/70 No.1 The Royal Oak Public House GV II Public house. Early C19. Rendered, slate roof. At the junction with St Mary Street, the corner has a full-height quadrant containing the principal entrance. 3 storeys and attic, 3 x 2 windows, glazing-bar sashes; the Quay front has two 16-pane and one 12-pane above two 16-pane and an off-centre arched doorway with a plain fanlight. The quadrant corner has a full-height recessed panel, with recessed door on 1 stone step. The front to St Mary Street has an early flat-roofed dormer with a 6-pane sash above a 12- and 16-pane at first floor and two 12-pane at ground floor and a C20 door in square opening. Plinth, and blocking course with parapet above a plain band which returns round the quadrant, with a hipped end. To the left of the Quay front is a gable stack. INTERIOR: not inspected. An externally complete example of a characteristically Late Georgian type of public house.
c DT4 8BE
2 The George Inn Public House
5 ?
6 ?
7 Vaughans
formerly Marina Thai and Sea Cow Restaurant
- Weyfish Ltd
The old Fish Market was built with Portland stone in 1855. For many years, the Borough Council only used it as a store. However, in 1987, it was restored and reopened as a fish merchant. Dates from 1855 and was built to enable local fishermen to market their catch more satisfactorily than on the quay side; in formal style with wide overhanging eaves, it is a building of distinction. This is still the place to buy locally caught fresh fish.
WEYMOUTH SY6778NE CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/23/59 (North side) 18/06/70 No.3 Old Fish Market GV II Market hall. c1855. Portland stone ashlar, Slate roof. A near-square plan with raised central clerestorey; the main front is on the Quay, and the return is in Maiden Street. One-storey front with arched openings over two 15-pane lights, and a central pair of part-glazed doors each with a radial fanlight over. The windows are on stone sills above aprons, recessed and with raised alternating jamb stones, with plain architrave above impost blocks, and with a prominent keystone carried up into a moulded eaves band; the door surround is the same, on one stone step. The front is framed in channelled pilasters, and with a plinth, impost band, and eaves moulding beneath a deep projecting flat eaves with exposed shaped rafter ends. The hipped lower roof rises to a central raised hipped clerestorey with vertical boarding, probably formerly louvred. The return to Maiden Street is in 2 bays, one door and one window, detailed as the main front. INTERIOR: has a dropped C20 ceiling, and inserted brick piers, and the roof structure is not visible. There was formerly an ice room (Ricketts). A handsome building, characteristic of commercial enterprise in the earlier C19. (Ricketts E: The Buildings of Old Weymouth: Melcombe Regis and Westham: Weymouth: 1976-: 116).
c Old Fish Market DT4 8BE
8 Hm Coastguard
The Custom House was originally built as a merchant’s warehouse with living accommodation in the late 18th century. The large bow windows on the first floor are very good examples of such windows, but there are none on the ground floor – to allow carts to travel along the old quayside. It was the Custom House from the early 19th century until 1985. The Harbour Master now occupies the building.
WEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/62 (North side) 18/06/70 No.8 Custom House GV II Warehouse and living accommodation, later Custom House, currently occupied by HM Coastguard. Late C18 original fabric, much modified early C19. English bond brickwork front with some darker brick to quoins and jambs, and diaper decoration, rendered returns and back, slate roof. PLAN: building returns to East Street at an obtuse angle, and the back is in Helen Lane; the original layout had the main staircase to the right, between 2 principal rooms, and the second floor was one large storage space, but there have been later sub-divisions. EXTERIOR: 3 storeys and attic; the Quay front is 2 windows wide, but with an inserted square, flat-roofed oriel to the second floor, with glazing bars to a 2-light front and single-light return, with transom, and vertical boarded skirt. This is flanked by 6-pane centre-hung casements to cambered heads, above 2 large 12:12:12-pane oriels with panelled frieze, dentil cornice, and panelled mullions, to plain skirts over paired 4-pane sashes to a wide mullion and stone sills. At the centre a pair of panelled doors in an arched opening has a C20 channelled surround, with open triangular pediment on heavy consoles. Above this is a painted Royal Arms in cast-iron. There is a plinth, stone frieze mould and cornice, blocking-course and coped parapet. The left return, rendered, has a large stack. The front to East Street is rendered, with a 9-pane pivot window flanked by louvres over a 12-pane sash in flush moulded box; at ground floor is a 4-pane sash, and two 6-panel doors in heavy Roman Doric pilaster doorcases. Eaves stack at the centre. Rear, in 2 sections, has a flat-roofed dormer with slate cheeks, with central 6-pane light flanked by horizontal boarding. At second floor are 3- and 2-light casements with transoms to wide segmental heads, and 2 small 4-pane lights, above 2 paired 12-pane sashes with mullion, to segmental heads, and at the ground floor a blocked doorway, broad replacement door, and a 2-light window to heavy sill. The second unit, to the right, which returns to a squared rubble double gable end, has a similar dormer, but to a hipped roof, above a broad 3-light with transom under segmental head, paired 12-pane sash, and a 2-light, plus doors with louvres. There is some stonework in the lower walls of both rear sections, and the left-hand end has flush Portland stone quoins. INTERIOR: not inspected, but RCHME records moulded cornice and dado to the first-floor front room, and the roof supported by composite king-post trusses. HISTORICAL NOTE: a panel in the entrance lobby records that the building was used as a warehouse by Messrs Robilliard and Ahier from 1794; Robilliard lived on the ground floor. The large wheel and gibbet, on display, were part of the hoist system in Helen Lane. By 1810 both men were out of business. In 1874 the property was owned by Sir Frederick Johnstone, who leased it to HM Customs. It was purchased by the Secretary of State in the 1970s, but vacated by Customs in 1985. In July 1988 it was taken over by HM Coastguard. (RCHME: Dorset, South-East: London: 1970-: 339).
c DT4 8BE
9 Deep Sea Adventure, Sharkeys
A 19th century warehouse. This building was built in the Victorian era, but inside has now been altered to accommodate the ‘Deep Sea Adventure' a diving and shipwreck museum.
JOHN DEHEERS WAREHOUSE, 9 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY (north sideWEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/63 (North side) 18/06/70 No.9 John Deheer's Warehouse GV II Warehouse, in use as entertainment centre, formerly Hanneys Fish Warehouse. Mid to late C19. Broadmayne and other dark brickwork in Flemish bond, hipped slate roof. PLAN: a tall warehouse with long return frontage to East Street. EXTERIOR: 4 storeys, 3 x 6 bays. The quay front has 3-light wood mullioned casements to flat segmental heads and stone sills, in sunk panels to wide segmental heads, and central pairs of glazed doors with protective railing to former hauling ways. At ground floor is a wide central opening to concrete lintel and recessed doors, flanked by smaller plank doors with plain transom lights. In the upper 3 levels the ends have broad brick pilasters with a stone capping band, and there is a stepped brick eaves cornice. The East Street front has 6 recessed panels to segmental heads and with brick flat pilasters to a head band; 3-light casements to flush stone sills at each level, but bay 1 has a wide square opening with plank door under a saw-tooth brick head, and bays 2 & 5 have plank loading doors, above wider ground-floor openings. Above the first floor is a thin string in saw-tooth brick. The stepped brick cornice returns from the quay front. INTERIOR: modified and sub-divided to accommodate current display material, but original cast-iron columns, in 2 rows, remain. At the back floors have been removed in 3 bays, leaving full-width heavy square transverse beams with joist housings. The roof is exposed queen-post construction with a central cat-walk, and the upper walls reduce to panels with piers. The stone stairs are contained within a brick shaft. A forthright design which is little altered externally, and with substantial internal remains, it is an important quayside element.
c DT4 8BG
10,10a Weymouth Chandlers
10 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY (north side)
WEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/656 (North side) 14/06/74 No.10 GV II Warehouse and office, now commercial premises. Early/mid C19. Rendered brick, hipped slate roofs. Main 3-storey warehouse range, at right angles to quay, with lower and smaller 2-storey range to left of front; 1+3-windowed. Left-hand one-window front has cornice to parapet, and canted oriel with plate-glass sashes above ground floor, remodelled C20. 3-window warehouse front has paired brick headers forming dentils below string course to parapet; upper floor has C20 window in original opening and plank door to loading entry, above first-floor horned 4-pane sashes and left-hand 4-pane casement, the latter above early C19 doorway with bracketed cornice; arched central opening, blocked by C20 window; mid C20 window to right, probably inserted. INTERIOR: not fully inspected but noted to have internal timber construction.
11, flat Royal Dorset Yacht Club
Occupies a mid-19th century Gothicised, Chapel-like building and was formerly an institute for seamen, known as the Sailor's Bethel. Before that, the 18th century Baths were here.
11 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY (north side)
WEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/64 (North side) 14/06/74 No.11 (Formerly Listed as: CUSTOMS HOUSE QUAY Seamen's Institute) GV II Shown on OS map as Youth Centre. Sailors' Bethel (Ricketts), later Seamen's Institute, and Royal Dorset Yacht Club, now club and restaurant. Opened June 1866. Dark grey brick in Flemish bond, painted stone trim, slate roof. PLAN: a long narrow building, with modelled gable to the Quay, at an angle to the party walls; the gable conceals a roof of lower pitch behind. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, with gabled facade containing stepped triple blind round-arched opening with small open oculi, under continuous stepped label course, above 5 vertical deep-set lights in an arcade with slender three-quarter colonnettes to plain flush arches under a continuous stepped label, and on a full-width sill band. Ground floor is triple-arched, with a pair of glazed doors under plain fanlight to the left, a central pair of plank doors with fanlight, and a plain light to the right, all to a flush band and arches with continuous stepped label and stopped ends. Stone plinth, a deep sill band to the bottom floor, and the whole front is contained in brick pilaster quoins carrying a deep moulded gable cornice with leaf enrichment. Rear wall is of brick, under a hipped roof, with 2 small 3-light small-pane casements at the eaves, and a large flat-roofed extension. INTERIOR: has one large space at the ground floor, with some later partitions, and with lightweight banded cast-iron columns with palmette capitals to bracketed heads, in 2 rows. A straight flight openwork iron stair to the left rises to the open first floor with a deep coved ceiling containing a series of central cast-iron vents, plus access hatches. HISTORICAL NOTE: a 1903 photograph inside refers to it as the Seamen's Bethel; an advertisement of 1866 states: 'The Committee of the Weymouth Sailors' Society have long felt the importance of obtaining a more suitable place for the holding of Religious Services than that which is at present occupied as a Bethel. They have at length through the kindness of Sir F Johnstone Bart., secured, free of cost, a most eligible site on the Quay, together with the premises at present standing on it and known as the Old Baths.' The advertisement goes on to seek the sum of »700, for a '... plain but neat Bethel, with a Reading Room...'. In vaguely Venetian mode, this makes a bold statement on the quayside. Except for some later lightweight partitioning, the interior appears unaltered. (Ricketts E: The Buildings of Old Weymouth: Melcombe Regis and Westham: Weymouth: 1976-: 119).
c web *
12,12a 12 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY (north side)
WEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/657 (North side) 14/06/74 No.12 GV II House with shop. Mid C19 and later remodelling of earlier, probably late C18, house. Flemish bond brick with slate roof and brick left-end stack. Deep plan, roofed parallel to quay. 3 storeys with attics; one-window front. Ground floor remodelled mid/late C20. 2-storey canted oriel with late C19 sashes to upper floors, with central plat band continued to line of rusticated quoins dividing off narrow bay to left and with inserted C20 second-floor window to right. INTERIOR: not inspected, but known to include C16 stone wall to rear.
13 The Harbour Master's Office
The Custom House a fine red brick Georgian house with deep bow windows was built in the late 18th century by a merchant to enable him to oversee his shipping interests from his home. It was the Custom House from the early 19th century until 1985. Nowadays the building is the office for the Harbour Master.
13 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY (north side)
WEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/65 (North side) 14/06/74 No.13 GV II Warehouse. Mid C19. Flemish bond red brickwork, wide-span low-pitched slate roof. A wide frontage building with trapezoidal plan, resulting from the curve in the harbour here. 3 storeys and attic; a high central gable covers a pair of plank hauling doors. At second floor a central glazed opening, formerly hauling way, is flanked by small 2-light casements, and at first floor are 3 hauling doors, to slight brick segmental heads and to flush stone sills. Ground floor has a wide pair of central plank doors flanked by narrow plank doors under 8-pane transom lights, these to concrete lintels. The outer openings are set near the party walls, with wide areas of plain walling. A saw-tooth brick eaves cornice. The rear has 3 wide-spaced 2-light casements ate 3 levels, and a central blocked hauling way. INTERIOR: has on each floor 2 rows of cast-iron columns, by Cosens, Engineers, Weymouth, carrying timber beams.
c web
14 14 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY (north side)
WEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/66 (North side) 14/06/74 No.14 GV II House at end of row, returns to South Parade. Early C19. Red brickwork in Flemish and header bonds, concrete tile mansard roof. PLAN: 2-room depth, with side entry and staircase, and C20 extension to the rear; the corner is taken on the curve, and the site wedge-shaped. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, attic and basement. To the Quay the front is 1-windowed, with a 16-pane flat-roofed sash above an 8:12:8-paned bold bow oriel to a moulded cornice above a smaller 5:15:5-pane oriel. Under this is a shallow light, set back, to the basement. To the left, on 5 stone steps with nosings, a 6-panel fielded door in an arch in 2 orders, with plain fanlight. Return has a 16-pane sash in a gabled section above the parapet, and a 2-storey flat oriel with 5:15:5-pane sashes, above an original 18-pane sash to the basement in a small curbed area. There are stone plinth, moulded cornice, rendered blocking-course and coped parapet, with a stack to the right. INTERIOR: under restoration at the time of survey, has much of the original joinery. The bows have panelling to the sides of and under the windows, the ground-floor front room has a fireplace with reeded surround and paterae, with cast-iron inset, and there are double doors to the rear room. Panelled doors generally have reeded architraves. The staircase has a solid moulded string, stick balusters and Doric newels, and there is a tall 21-pane sash, which passes one of the landings. At the first floor is a fireplace similar to but on a grander scale than that below. There are no ceiling cornices. A delightful little building, reputed to have once been the Harbour Master's house, and, according to Ricketts, the home of Upham, the early C19 artist. (RCHME: Dorset, South-East: London: 1970-: 347; Ricketts E: The Buildings of Old Weymouth: Melcombe Regis and Westham: Weymouth: 1976-: 121).
15 15 AND 16 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY (north side)
WEYMOUTH SY6878NW CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY 873-1/24/67 (North side) 14/06/74 Nos.15 AND 16 GV II Pair of houses at end of row, returning to South Parade. Late C18 or early C19. Rendered, concrete tile mansard roof. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, each 1 window; a raking 4-pane sash dormer above a bold canted oriel with plain sash, dentilled cornice carried across full width, and simple panelled skirt; interior panelled shutters to No.16. Ground floor has a 4-pane sash, and centred are arched doorways, with keystone, in reeded pilasters and with a reeded transom under a painted fanlight, to 6-panel doors (partly glazed to No.15). A small plinth, high blocking-course and coped parapet. Each gable has a very deep, narrow stack, that to the right raised in brickwork to clear the adjoining higher property. Left gable is plain, with an offset, and with a wide door with margin-pane glazing. Rear is in painted brick, with a 9-pane above 12-pane sash to each property. No.16 also has a 9-pane raking dormer. INTERIOR: not inspected. Although somewhat altered, the houses retain the scale of the earlier buildings on the quayside. (RCHME: Dorset, South-East: London: 1970-: 347).
19 Floods Bistro Restaurants

* The Royal Dorset Yacht Club is one of the oldest in the country having received the Royal Charter in 1875 entitling it's members to fly the Blue Ensign. George V raced regularly in Weymouth Bay in the yacht Britannia under the burgee of the RDYC and his racing flag and burgee were presented to the Club on his death.